Altar Frontal

Altar Frontal

Sunday 29 November 2020

O Come, Emmanuel


Advent begins and with it comes the encouraging news that public worship will be permitted again from this week. There will be Mass on Thursday morning at 9.30am. Next Sunday, 6 December, the Parish Mass will be celebrated at 10.30am and we look forward to welcoming the Bishop of Richborough who will celebrate and preach.

Christmas arrangements will be somewhat curtailed this year. The Mass of Christmas Night will be celebrated at 8.00pm (NB) and the only Mass on Christmas Day will be at 10.30am.

Sunday 1 November 2020

Public Services Suspended

 Once again, we have been asked to suspend all public worship and, with heavy hearts, the priests and people of St Mary's will follow the new government guidance which comes into force from Thursday. The church will be open for individual private prayer for an hour on Sunday mornings at 10.30am and on Thursday mornings at 9.30am. 

Please note that the church is also generally 'out of bounds' for visits and other activities, except at the discretion of the parish priest and churchwardens.