Altar Frontal

Altar Frontal

Sunday 30 August 2015

Organ Recital

Our next Coffee Morning Organ Recital will take place on Saturday, 12 September, at 11.00am. Entrance is free with a retiring collection.

Saturday 8 August 2015

August Timetable

Sunday Mass as usual.
Weekday Masses at usual times on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday ONLY.
No Wednesday Confessions or Friday Rosary..

Normal service will be resumed in September.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

At the Coalface of Ministry

Bishop Norman spent the day with us in Wellingborough - a day which included a tour of the parish, pub lunch, home communions, a visit to the Isebrook Hospital and to Wellingborough's excellent Christian bookshop, Amazing Grace; then tea at the vicarage, a meeting in the parish priest's study, hearing a confession, Evening Prayer, and Mass with a homily.  Thank you Father, for your time and encouragement.