Altar Frontal

Altar Frontal

Wednesday 25 March 2020


Father Robert writes: the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England have instructed that all places of worship must be completely closed. This is now the case at St Mary's, but our life of Christian prayer and fellowship continues through other means. The people of our congregation and parish continue to be prayed for, name by name and street by street. The daily Office and daily Mass also continue. We are staying in touch and supporting one another by email, telephone and post. May the Divine Compassion aid, sustain and protect us all.  If I can help you, or pray for you or with you, do please contact me.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

IMPORTANT: No Public Services

In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have decided that public worship is suspended until further notice.

A private daily Mass will continue to be offered for our parish, congregation, and for all who are afflicted or affected by the coronavirus situation.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Antiques Fair

Our first Antiques Fair was a great success with over twenty stalls, lots of customers, and some excellent refreshments as usual.  Many thanks to all who organized, helped at, or supported this event.