Altar Frontal

Altar Frontal

Sunday 10 December 2017

Joan Cook RIP

Please keep Joan Cook - a faithful worshipper and good friend - in your prayers, together with her family.  Joan's funeral will take place in church on Monday, 18 December, at 1.00pm.

Snow Sunday

Seventeen hardy souls at the Parish Mass this morning with 4-5 inches of snow in the churchyard and hardly a vehicle on the roads.

Christmas Services 2017

Sunday, 17 December
A Service of Lessons and Carols with Nativity Play at 4pm
followed by refreshments and mince pies.

Sunday, 24 December
Sung Midnight Mass by candlelight at 11.30pm.

Monday, 25 December
Sung Mass at 10.30am.

Monday, 26 December
Mass of St Stephen at 9.30am.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Quiet Afternoon

Thank you, Bishop John, for leading our Quiet Afternoon in preparation for Advent.  Waiting for Christ, Standing in Christ, Walking with Christ...