Altar Frontal

Altar Frontal

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Christmas and New Year

Sunday, 18 December
Carol Service at 3.00pm

Christmas Eve

Sung Mass by Candlelight at 8.00pm

Christmas Day
Sung Mass at 10.30am

26-31 December
Mass each day at 9.30am

New Year's Day
Sung Mass at 10.30am

2-7 January

Mass on Monday at 6.30pm, Thursday at 9.30am, and Friday at 6.30pm
No Masses on other days

Mass schedule back to normal from Sunday, 8 January

Friday, 9 September 2022

Antiques Fair Cancelled

The Antiques Fair, which had been planned for tomorrow, has been cancelled. The church will still be open during the morning for the annual Ride and Stride. On Sunday, the Patronal Festival Mass with Bishop Norman and Parish Lunch will go ahead as planned.

Rest in Peace

 The Office of the Dead will be said in church this morning at 9am. The bell will be tolled at noon and the church will remain open for private prayer until 1pm. This evening there will be a Low Mass of Requiem for Queen Elizabeth at 6.30pm. Long live the King.

Thursday, 8 September 2022

The Queen

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word.

For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;

To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

August 2022

Please note that there is a limited Mass schedule for the rest of this month. The Parish Mass will be celebrated every Sunday at 10.30am as usual. But weekday Masses are cancelled on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Mass will be celebrated as follows:

Monday 6.30pm
Thursday 9.30am
Friday 6.30pm.

If you are planning a visit to St Mary's during this time please contact us to make sure we are on hand to welcome you.

All back to normal from Thursday, 1 September.


Antiques Fair


Thursday, 9 June 2022

Walsingham Pilgrimage 2022


Back at Walsingham for the Parish Pilgrimage after a three year gap. We are already booked in for 2023!

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Holy Week and Easter 2022

Sun 10 Palm Sunday

Procession & Sung Mass at 10.30am

Thu 14 Holy Thurs      

Sung Mass and Procession at 6.30pm followed by Watch until 9.30pm

Fri 15 Good Friday   

Confessions at 9.30am

Stations of the Cross at 10.00am

Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm

Sat 16 Holy Saturday

Vigil and First Mass of Easter at 8.00pm

Sun 17 Easter Day

Sung Mass at 10.30am

No Mass  18 - 20 April.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Antiques Fair


A very successful Fair with nearly forty dealers taking part. We raised over £900 for church funds. Many thanks to all who worked hard on the day, or supported us in any way.

Friday, 18 February 2022

Dates and Events

19 Feb: Antiques Fair

26 Feb: Roger Smith Memorial Organ Recital at 11am

19 Mar: Children’s Society Coffee Morning

26 Mar: Book Sale

9 April: Quiet Afternoon 

18 Jun: Summer Fete

6 Aug: Cream Tea

10 Sept: Jumble Sale

15 Oct: Book Sale

19 Nov: Winter Market

3 Dec: Quiet Afternoon