A very successful Fair with nearly forty dealers taking part. We raised over £900 for church funds. Many thanks to all who worked hard on the day, or supported us in any way.
A Church of England Parish, affliated to Forward in Faith and the Society, under the Sacramental and Pastoral Care of the Bishop of Richborough.
St Mary's has a Parish Safeguarding Policy (available in church) and has appointed a Safeguarding Officer to assist the Parish Priest in all safeguarding matters. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer can be contacted on 07759 591673. The Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 01733 887040 or safeguarding@peterborough-diocese.org.uk
A very successful Fair with nearly forty dealers taking part. We raised over £900 for church funds. Many thanks to all who worked hard on the day, or supported us in any way.
19 Feb: Antiques Fair
26 Feb: Roger Smith Memorial Organ Recital at 11am
19 Mar: Children’s Society Coffee Morning
26 Mar: Book Sale
9 April: Quiet Afternoon
18 Jun: Summer Fete
6 Aug: Cream Tea
10 Sept: Jumble Sale
15 Oct: Book Sale
19 Nov: Winter Market
3 Dec: Quiet Afternoon