10 Feb: Jumble Sale
9 Mar: Organ Recital
16 Mar: Children’s Society Coffee Morning
23 Mar: Lent Quiet Afternoon
20 April: Book Sale
6 July: Summer Fete
14 Sep: Jumble Sale
12 Oct: Book Sale
30 Nov: Winter Market
7 Dec: Advent Quiet Afternoon
A Church of England Parish, affliated to Forward in Faith and the Society, under the Sacramental and Pastoral Care of the Bishop of Richborough.
St Mary's has a Parish Safeguarding Policy (available in church) and has appointed a Safeguarding Officer to assist the Parish Priest in all safeguarding matters. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer can be contacted on (01933) 275122. The Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 01733 887040 or safeguarding@peterborough-diocese.org.uk
Sunday, 17 Dec: Lessons & Carols at 4pm.
Sunday, 24 Dec: Sung Mass & Blessing of the Crib at 8pm.
Monday, 25 Dec: Sung Mass at 10.30am.
Then Mass each day at 9.30am until
Sunday, 31 Dec: Sung Mass at 10.30am.
No weekday Masses in the first week of January, except
Thursday, 4 Jan, at 9.30am.
All back to normal from Sunday, 7 Jan.